VaultCord Documentation


/settings - Server-wide Authentication Settings

Usage: /settings

/modlogs - Set-up Moderation Logging in your Server

Usage: /modlogs [#channel]

/force-verify - Forcefully verify a User in the Server.

Usage: /force-verify [@user]

/moderate - Moderate Members from one user friendly panel.

Usage: /moderate

/statistics - Lists Statistics about VaultCord.

Usage: /statistics

/usercheck - Lists Information about a User or yourself.

Usage: /usercheck [@user]

/guildcheck - Lists Information about the Guild.

Usage: /guildcheck

/backup-guild - Create a Back-Up for your Guild.

Usage: /backup-guild

/premiumsettings - Opens the Premium Settings Panel.

Usage: /premiumsettings


Verification System

VaultCord provides a robust verification system to ensure only genuine users join your server:

Anti-Raid Protection

Protect your server from raids with advanced features:


Comprehensive logging of server events:


VaultCord requires the following permissions to function properly:

Ensure that the bot role has these permissions in your server settings.